Monday, May 4, 2009

The Ninety-First Day.

Two Suns
I just got the album, and was sad to find it much to easy to talk over. In fact it was almost awkward to not talk over. Maybe I need to spend some alone time with it, but I guess I much more of a sucker of semi-pop songs that I can catch a lyric here or there to sing too. Bat for Lashes sings so personally that I'd feel intrusive singing with her, or at least they allude something to personal. Also being a lyrically biased listener, I'm slightly unimpressed. They simply seem to be just statements without any word to sound mastery or attempt.

If you feel the same disappointment, here's some noise music from Boo and Boo Too (Boo happens to be my childhood nickname, so that's a double plus for this band)

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